Saturday, August 31, 2019

Development from Birth †19 Years Essay

All children and young people develop at different rates, but the order which they advance in differs very little. Children’s development tends to progress from head to toe, inner to outer, from simple to complex and from general to specific. Each child’s physical, social, emotional, and intellectual and language development will be looked at through age stages. All of these categories are as important as each other and can each have a substantial impact on the child’s full adult potential. Physical development is the growth of movement skills in both fine and gross motor skills and development in hand to eye co-ordination. Each of these is inter-connected and therefore can all be of impact to one another. Social and emotional development is the process of forming relationships, learning social and cultural skills, caring for others, independency, decision making, building confidence and learning to handle emotions in a healthy way. Intellectual development refers to the understanding of information, lengthening attention span, the reasoning in daily experiences, developing memory, logical thinking and questioning. Language development is the understanding and gaining of language, developing vocabulary and b ody language. 0-6 Months: Physical development : At this stage a baby should be able to turn their head towards sound and movement, watch an adult’s face when feeding and smile at the faces and voices they find familiar. They should be able to hold their feet when lying on their back, look and reach for objects, hold and shake a rattle and put items in their mouths. Social and emotional development: At this age a baby will respond to adult’s voices and faces, prominently their mothers, possibly by smiling. They will concentrate on adults face during feeding and be extremely dependent in adults for reassurance and comfort, quieting when held and cuddled. Language development: At this age a child should make a variety of â€Å"happy† sounds, respond to music and sounds (this can be very calming) abd watch their carers face and try to copy their movements. 6-12 Months: Physical Development: During this period a child should be able to move from sitting with support to sitting alone, roll from their tummy to their back and begin to crawl or shuffle on their bottom. Pulling or pushing against an adults hand to reach a standing position, raise arms to be lifted, turn to look when their name has been called and to try and reach for food to put in their mouth. Social and Emotional Development: A child will enjoy the company of others and games such as peek-a-boo, shows affection to main carer but be shy towards strangers. Language Development: The babbling sound begins! A young child will make 4 or 5 different sounds at this step, show feelings by squealing or crying and laugh or chuckle to show their enjoyment. 1-2 Years Physical Development: A young toddler will begin to walk (with or with-out a push along toy), sit alone confidently, wave goodbye, feed themselves, point to what they want and to shake their head for â€Å"no†. Their thumb and first two fingers will be used to grip, crawl upstairs, stoop when picking an object from floor level, begin to show preference for one hand, build tower of few bricks and to begin to hold crayon in palm and to scribble on paper. Social and Emotional Development: Like to please adults and to perform in front of an audience, may become anxious or distressed when separated from known adults, may grow attached to a comfort object (such as blanket), can mostly be cooperative and be easily distracted from unwanted behaviour and can play alongside other children. Language Development: Move from using single words to putting them together as a phrase, they will understand key words used in sentences, in the second year children start to understand the use of conversation and begin to copy carers. Children’s understand outstrips their ability to express themselves however by two years they could be using from 30 up to 150 words. 2-3 Years Physical Development: Kneels to play, throw and kick a ball, builds larger brick towers, pour liquids and uses pencils to make marks and circular scribbles. Social and Emotional Development: Developing sense of own identity and wanting to do things for their selves, demanding of adults attention and being jealous of adults attention being shred, reluctant to share play things, acts impulsively, requiring needs to be met instantly, prone to burst of emotion tantrums, enjoys playing with adults or older child who will give attention, beginning to play with others of own age for short periods of time. Intellectual Development (0-3 Years) Beginning to realise others are separate beings from themselves, imitates others and tries out ways of behaving in play, becoming more confident but still needs adult reassurance Language Development: Put words together in a sentence and beginning to ask questions (What? Why? How? Who? Where?) can join in well known songs or verses and put actions to words (Row-Row-Row the boat) Could possibly be using several hundred words by 3rd birthday, can scribble and make marks on paper with a crayon. 3-4 Years Physical Development: Large Motor Skills; Jump with feet together, walk on tip toes Throw a ball with aim and walk up and down the stairs. Fine Motor Skills; painting, threading beads on a lace, gain control over food utensils, use scissors and hold pencil to draw house and or people. Social and Emotional Development: becoming more independent and self-motivated, feels more secure and able to cope with unfamiliar surroundings and adults for periods of time, becoming more cooperative with adults and likes to help. Sociable and friendly with others, plays with children and more able to share, beginning to consider the needs of others and to show concern for others. Intellectual Development: Understand two or three simple things to do at once (eg Get a glass of water, bring it to your brother and then take the glass back to the kitchen) Can sort objects by size and type (by colours, animals or shapes) Language Development: (3-4 years)Pitch and tone can begin to be used alongside present and past tense. Vocabulary will be extended to 1000-1500 words and marks made by crayons will become more controlled. (4-5 years) Grammar can become more accurate and questions more complex, understand that books are a source of pleasure and use pictures to help them follow the story. Language will be used to communicate a child’s ideas and they may begin to recognise their own name and a few frequently seen written words, a pencil will be able to be help more confidently and shapes can be copied to form some lettering. 5-7 Years Physical Develpoment: Large Motor Skills; Hops, kicks with aim, catch a ball, skips, rides bicycle, climb confidently. Fine Motor Skills; Haandels pencil with control, copy shapes and write some letters, sews stitches, threads needle, can do buttons and shoe laces. Social and Emotional Development: Makes friends but may need help in resolving disputes, developing understanding of rules but still finds turn-taking difficult. Enjoys helping others and taking responsibility, learns lots about the world and how it workd, ad about people and relationships, makes friends (often short term) and plays group games, needs structure and routing to feel safe, when behaviour is over the top they need limits to be set. Intellectual Development: Begin to understand about sameness and difference in various aspects of life, can begin to understand that differences can exist side by side. Can begin to see different perspectives on the same subject, for example the same amount of water can look different in different containers. Language Development: During this period the chid can speak fluently and be able to make up stories, handle books well, understand that text carries meaning and recognise and increasing number of letters linking them to sounds. 7-12 Years Physical Development: Large motor skills are met such as running, jumping, skipping, climbing, kicking and hitting balls however teams games are usually enjoyed by age 8. Social and Emotional Development: Become less dependent on close adults for support and therefore can cope with the wider environment along with enjoying being in groups of other children of similar age, usually influenced easily by peers. Developing understanding of what behaviour is expected in certain situations and what is unacceptable, a sense of fairness and justice. Gender identity is becoming more apparent and preferring to play with same sex friends. Wanting to fit in with peer group and wanting to form closer relationships from age of 8. Intellectual Development: Able to read to themselves and will take a active interest in certain subjects by age 9. Language Development: Will need help learning how to spell complex words, with help from adults and teacher’s vocabulary will grow when new words are introduced, speech becomes fluent and can describe complicated happenings. Reading out loud and knowing the difference tenses and grammar will also become noticeable. 12-19 Years (Adolescence) Physical Development: Adolescence is said to be the period between childhood and adulthood, this can start from as early as 11 years and up to 19 or 20 years. The rate of development during these times can differ significantly and are different for both genders. This can be a very difficult time for teenagers as being similar to your peers can be a huge pressure; developing early or late can single teenagers out from others and bring up many emotional factors. Boys: Adolescence for boys usually starts at 14 years which is later compared to girls, however at the end of puberty boys are usually bigger than girls. Sex characteristics at this age are developing; these include body hair, deepening of the voice, broadness and muscle growth. Testicular and scrotum growth begins in early – mid puberty, the penis growth starts a bit later but continues for a longer time period. Girls: Puberty for girls can be as early as 8 years although the average age is 13. Breast budding is traditionally the beginning of puberty around the age of 10, pubic hair will then begin to grow and become curlier. Depending on when puberty first begins for each young lady they may be physically mature by the age of 15 and close to her full adult height however her hips and breasts may still become fuller. Social and Emotional Development: The first emotional factors to come with puberty are usually self-consciousness of the teenager’s body changes and whether they are â€Å"normal† compared to their peers. Emotional maturity can feel a drastic change to the teenagers, feeling their childish needs with adult desires, desiring independence but needing guidance; this can be a very confusing time for the young adults. Feeling less importance on their parents approval and instead turning to their friends for group-acceptance and behaviour codes. Along with this new found independence comes new questioning of the world, community values, personal values, beliefs and views; these will then individually sculpt the identity of the young adult. During this time many teens form close friendships with their peers of their own gender and most also develop an intense interest in the opposite gender, away from the emotional security their family provides the teenagers are open to many different emotional situations including potential rejection. Intellectual Development: With physical and emotional maturity comes maturity of the mind and the individual’s words and actions. As the teenager’s freedon and independence grows the need for maturity grows with it. During adolescence young people increasingly take responsibility in their lives in areas such as finances, employment, relationships and accommodation. The process of acquiring full responsibility should be complete by adulthood however; the rate of development is dependent on the amount of guidance given, to helping the brain to make the connections between knowledge and practical application to daily life. Education will be another main factor, next to parents, to shaping these young adults; the education system with its teachers will assist in helping the young adults to understanding moral, social, economic and cultural codes that will form the foundation of their identity. Language Development: As confidence and knowledge of language grows teenagers tend to develop different forms of communication such as sarcasm, â€Å"slang† language, shortened â€Å"text† language and the skill of formal or informal debate. Being able to express themselves with more words and forms of communications is a result of their maturity.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Study Plan for Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering and its importance Advertisements Chemical engineering has a number of applications in our day to day lives. This course is offered to students at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Upon the accomplishment of their studies, individuals can apply for jobs with firms of the private or public sector firms. Placement opportunities are available for aspirants within some of the prestigious Indian firms such as Reliance and Indian Oil etc. One can say that this sector is one of the many areas where one can get good jobs as well as other opportunities of the right type.In this article we are going to discuss about the importance of chemical engineering as well as its numerous applications. Importance of Chemical Engineering Areas where chemical engineering is applicable in our day to day lives include: Coal preparation and mineral processing Explosives manufacturing Fertilizer industry Food processing Glass and specialty chemicals Paints Steel and aluminum production In addition to the above mentioned areas, chemical engineering also has applications in production of electronics, clothing, paper and photographic equipment etc.The scope for individuals in the field of chemical engineering is bound to grow in time. This is mainly because of industrial growth as well as the related scarcity of the resources those are required. In future years, chemical engineers will be needed to develop synthetic replacement for those resources as well as materials that are low in supply. In overall, it can be said that chemical engineers will be able to make very crucial contributions to the improvement in addition to the maintenance of the quality of our lives.Areas where one can apply his knowledge: Although chemical engineering is relatively a new field, this field of engineering has shown a speedy expansion during the last few decades. This has in turn led to rise in importance of chemical engineering as well as the number of jobs. Career opportunities for t hese professionals are available with R&D departments, especially in the field of energy as well in developing fields such as nanotechnology and biotechnology. Chemical Plants Petrochemical Plants Pharmaceuticals Petroleum Refining PlantsMineral Based Industries Electronics Industry Photographic Equipment Units Clothing Units Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Aircraft Industry Some Job Types Supervisor Technical Specialist Project Manager Project Engineer Teacher Researcher Environmental, Safety & Regulatory Manager Quality Manager Senior Process Engineer Product Development Engineer Fuel Meter Calibration Technician In the government sector, chemical engineers can find jobs in areas where solutions for environmental problems like recycling, water treatment and others are needed.They can also get work with departments of energy conservation as well as with defense establishments. Sir William Wakeham on the Importance of Chemical Engineering Sep. 06, 2011 Sir William Wakeham, President, I ChemE Sir William Wakeham, President, IChemE more Sir William Wakeham, President, IChemE From Reliance Industries’ Mukesh Ambani to stand-up comedian and perpetual watermelon smasher †¦ A Wide Range – From Reliance Industries' Mukesh Ambani and SABIC's Mohammed al-Mady to stand-up comedian and perpetual watermelon smasher Gallagher, chemical engineers can be found in almost every walk of life. And if you have never heard of Gallagher, you can replace him with Dolph Lundgren, who forewent a career in chemical engineering when he found success as Ivan Drago in the movie Rocky IV). These days, chemical engineering is as diverse as the people who study it, covering areas from biotechnology to mineral processing, and its significance for the chemical industry is now more important than ever. Sir William Wakeham is currently president of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), a global professional membership organization for people who have an interest in and r elevant experience in chemical engineering.He spoke with Brandi Schuster on how the field has evolved, what IChemE does to encourage students to study chemical engineering and the importance of having chemical engineers in all levels within chemical and pharmaceutical companies. CHEManager Europe: Sir William, the term â€Å"chemical engineering† doesn't have quite the same meaning as maybe 50 years ago. How do you think the profession has evolved? Sir William Wakeham: These days there is much more of a focus on the word â€Å"process engineering† rather than â€Å"chemical engineering. Often the processes involved are still chemical, but they now encompass many more things than we thought about 50 years ago. These days you have trained chemical engineers working in many process applications that aren't necessarily within the traditional realm of the chemical industry. One example of that is within the pharmaceutical business, in formulation engineering. This consists of the construction of pills, which goes hand-in-hand with the drug formulations.That involves quite a lot of chemical engineering, but wouldn't have been thought of as such 50 years ago. It's a similar situation within the water industry. There is a lot of activity which could be considered process engineering, and probably most of the reactions, if there are any, are biological reactions. All in all, I think the term has been broaden quite a bit over the last several decades in order to include many more aspects and technologies. In fact, the term â€Å"chemical engineer† is probably being replaced by â€Å"process engineer. Is the future of chemical engineering one with a very broad base? Sir William Wakeham: Yes, and in my own experience, trained chemical or process engineers are the kinds of engineers who are most able to work with other disciplines, because they have already quite a breadth in their formation as engineers. That is not quite the same for, let's say, ci vil engineers whose chemistry training is quite limited. Process engineers have a unique opportunity to bring scientists and other engineers together.Most of the big problems that the world is facing are a bit like that; people have to be brought together from different areas. What about diversity within the profession, particularly when it comes to women? Sir William Wakeham: In the UK, total chemical engineering undergraduate numbers are the most positive for women's recruitment of any engineering discipline. In the UK, about 27% of chemical engineering students are women; this is certainly a step in the right direction. What kind of activities does IChemE have to encourage more people to study chemical engineering?Sir William Wakeham: We have an enormous focus on bringing people into chemical engineering courses; this has, at least in the UK, pushed the numbers through the roof. We are particularly interested in attracting women, and one of the key elements of doing that is havin g women on the staff of chemical engineering departments who do the recruitment. Here in the UK, most departments have a substantial number of women on their faculty. In other areas of the world, such as in the Middle East, there are some cultural issues that are additional difficulty.However, in Malaysia, where we are also active, there are a significant number of women studying chemical engineering now. Apart from its European offices, IChemE is also represented in Asia, Africa and Australasia. Do you work towards promoting chemical engineering for women in these parts of the world as well? Sir William Wakeham: Yes. We have been using our activities in the UK as a basis, but fine-tuning it for the different cultural backgrounds. Clearly what needs to be done in Malaysia is not the same thing as what needs to be one in the UK. Our offices in these areas are usually staffed by local people, which is important for creating an understanding of the country's needs. What is a chemical e ngineer's role in an oil and gas industry? 2 years ago Report Abuse Shape Shape Best Answer – Chosen by Voters This is a very broad question as chemical engineers (as in someone with a chemical engineering degree) can do many different engineering jobs in the oil and gas industry, but other engineers can do them as well.For example I know people with mechanical and chemical engineering degrees that are maintenance engineers with the same job responsibilities. The same goes for a drilling fluid engineer which could be held by people of varying background and technical degrees. A chemical engineer can be involved in all parts of the oil and gas industry from building the oil rigs, drilling the wells, pumping it out of the ground, transferring it through pipelines, separating in into usable chemicals in a refinery, and finally making petroleum based products in a chemical plant.Source(s): Chemical Engineer Where Do Chemical Engineers Fit into the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry? B y Katie Horner | Comments (8) Before working for an upstream oil company, I was under the impression that chemical engineers working in oil and gas belonged in pipeline and downstream operations. For those of you not in the industry, most large, integrated oil companies consist of an upstream organization and a downstream organization. The former focuses on exploration and production and the latter refines crude petroleum into usable products (gasoline, lubricants, etc. . Within upstream, processes and departments are often separated by subsurface work and surface facility work. Generally, most ChemE’s in upstream are found on the facility side, managing projects related to tanks, pumps, pipelines and separators. Pumping Unit in Bakersfield, Ca You may be asking, what about subsurface? And, can chemical engineers contribute to a traditionally petroleum engineering realm? The answer is, most definitely! A reservoir is essentially a large tank filled with porous media and reser voir fluids – oil, gas and water.In order to recover oil or gas from a reservoir, chemical engineering fundamentals such as fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer must be understood and applied. Petroleum engineering is not an exact science. Precise reservoir boundaries are often unknown, PVT samples are few and far between, recovery mechanisms are sometimes unclear, and original and current oil in place is determined probabilistically. The fact is, it wouldn’t be economical to collect all of the data to make it an exact science.Without having all of the data, oil companies still have been successful in recovering resources thus far. However, we’ve picked the low hanging fruit when it comes to oil and gas resources and are moving toward environments with increased complexity – heavy oil, challenging shale plays, tight gas, deepwater exploration, etc. It’s often said that the best place to find oil is within currently or previously produc ing reservoirs. As we go back in and try to capture the residual oil, chemical engineering concepts will be critical in designing processes to recover these resources.Many oil or gas recovery mechanisms are well understood, such as waterfloods or gas cap expansion. Fortunately for our profession, there are areas, such as steam and polymer floods, that still need the keen eyes of engineers to model and optimize. As we attempt to tackle the current global energy challenges, oil and gas will continue to be a key factor in the equation. While the focus of many chemical engineering graduates is in alternative energy solutions, there are still plenty of opportunities for a chemical engineer to make an impact in the world of upstream oil and gas.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Castration Essay Example for Free

Castration Essay Choose cite format: APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA Sexual assault and child molestation are a constant emergent problem in the United States today, the bigger issue is the fact that the pedophiles are being released from prison early due to overcrowding of the prison system. One such famous pedophile is David Wayne Jones, who was convicted of several different charges involving child molestation against more than 40 boys. Mr. Jones, who served only 15 years due toa plea agreement for those charges, underwent voluntary physical castration in lieu of hemical castration (Schmalleger, 2009). He was previously on medicine that was for chemical castration, or testosterone blocking medicine. This opens up the discussion for castration and if it is a viable option for sexual predators. Castration is best described as removing the reproductive organs of an individual to prevent virility Oennett & Blakemore, 2012). While in the past castration was only in the physical for, in todays society there are two types of castration, chemical and physical. Both hysical castration and chemical castration have the prospective to decrease the recidivism rates of sex offenders by lowering testosterone hormone levels, weaken sexual impulses, and making erotic urges more manageable if the sexual urges are encouraged by amplified testosterone hormone levels. Chemical castration is intended to be less invasive and a temporary fix, while physical castration is permanent. In relation to sexual predators, some see castration as an easy answer to an appalling and intricate problem. Given that the current penitentiary systems does not seem to be successfully functioning to decrease the rates of recidivism. It is even failing to be a deterrent to future sexual offenders. As with castration is supposed to lower the different hormones that are needed to become aroused, it is not always 100 percent. I believe that there are some cases where the Judge should have the option of surgical or chemical castration. I strongly believe that surgical and chemical castration should not be an option for first time offenders. If the Judge sentenced castration on a first time offender, how would that give the offender possibilities of rehabilitation. The statics show that majority of all sex offenders was once a victim of the same crime. While this does not mean let the offender get away with a crime because of their history, it basically means give the offender a chance to go through therapy. Also, I believe that all first time sex offenders should be mandated to take a psychiatric evaluation. This evaluation would distinguish a mental illness from a sick ndividual. As for second time offenders, I believe this should most definitely be an option for a Judge. After the first offense and having the resources of rehabilitation, the offender should have learned a lesson. Obviously, if it is a second offense, that shows the offender may not be able to control themselves or not care about the harm he is doing to others or the consequences of his actions. If the second time offender is sentenced to castration, I believe this offender should be eligible for early parole or early release. For the third time offenders, I believe there should be Justice served for this individual. A third time sex offender should be mandated to chemical and surgical castration when at their sentencing hearing. An offender who commits the Instead using castration as a method to release sex offenders because of the problem of overcrowding of the prison system; castration should be used as a punishment. If the prison system wants to reduce any offenders sentence due to overcrowding, it should be those offenders that have committed a non-sexual abuse offense. Castration. (2018, Oct 15).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

15 topics about sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

15 topics about sociology - Essay Example At present, a majority of the world’s population has or is living in a city; and yet, it was only about 100 years ago when there were only about 12 cities in existence. This speaks much of the pace and speed by which urbanization has taken place in various towns and rural areas. The growth in the population in these cities has also exceeded expected numbers for regular cities. These cities are called megacities because the rate of population growth and of development has increased and risen to unprecedented levels. And â€Å"we now live in an urban world where the mega-metropolises: Tokyo-Yokohama and greater Mexico City have populations of over 20 million† (Palen, p. 2). The rapidity of change from rural to urban life is at least as important as the amount of urbanization because the success or failure of the transition from rural to urban life is very much dependent on the pace of the development and the reception of the people to the development. And the megacities now cater to more advancement in industry and technology. The pace of these advancements is fast and is manifesting on a massive scale. But a large proportion of the world’s population is still based in the rural areas and in most Western nations. And the pace of transition from rural to urban life has been a dramatic transition as most population growths have been seen in the cities. Much of the population growth and transitions from rural to urban areas have been exhibited in developing countries. And these third world nations have managed to experience an expansion of their cities because many of the citizens seek greener pastures in these cities. As a result, today, â€Å"th e number of people living in developing world cities outnumbers the entire population of the world only 100 years ago† (Palen, p. 3). These numbers indicate that the pace of transition from rural to urban life has as much impact and importance as the amount of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Political cartoon Gay marriage Threat Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political cartoon Gay marriage Threat - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that gay marriage has lately become an extensive contemporary debate across individual, social and political contexts. Cultural and social beliefs on sexuality matters have always differed from legal provisions on the same topic. While cultures and societies are guided by norms, traditions, customs and beliefs, the legal system is driven by rights and freedoms of individual persons. As a result, legal systems are known to provide for homosexuality amid social concerns and belief for heterosexuality. The political systems around the world have shown a significant role in the gay marriage issue, with some advocating for gay marriage and others against. The political cartoon by Mike Luckovich which goes by the title â€Å"Gay marriage Threat† is a current presentation of the views and opinions of persons, political leaders and the gay marriage fraternity. Discussions on this issue have exacerbated in the recent past, with powerful leade rs such as Barack Obama, the President of the United States, airing his take on the matter. Concerns surrounding gay marriage are diverse and far-reaching. While some social settings have incorporated gay relationships as a normal and rightful social phenomenon, others have remained adamantly against it. The role of politics in this matter have cannot be ignored. Political leaders and systems of governance remain split for and against homosexuality.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Australian Retailing Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Australian Retailing Industry - Essay Example Since the retailers are situated in a more convenient location than the manufacturers, consumers tend to choose retailers over these specific producers of goods. Annual reports give certainties that today, the retailing industry remains one of the top grossing industry in Australia. From the year 1993 towards the year 2000, retailing employed at least 920,000 people, which is almost 45% of the total number of workforce employed within the said country. It has been noted through reports that through the years 2005 towards the year 2006, the employing capabilities of the retailing industry in the country would increase up to 22% higher than the present statistical data that it presents in the Australian economic industries. (ARS, 2006, Internet) As of the latest statistical surveys, it has been carried on that there are at least 70,000 individual retailing business organizations in Australia submitting up to $150 Billion of business profits to the national treasury system. As it could be noted from these particular reports, the retail industry is indeed making up a large part of the entire national economy of Australia. Knowing that Australia holds at least 35% of its population devoted to employing the minorities or the Immigrants, it could be expected that the management policing and practices would naturally be directly affected. (ARS, 2006, Internet) Management and the Retail Industry Considering the fact mentioned earlier, the Australian community is made up of a large number of minorities or immigrants who have been entering the boundaries of the country searching for employment. Hence, through this particular truth, it could be observed that the management... The researcher states that today, being able to make amends with the way the management deals with the organization’s workforce is one way by which the business entity is ensured with the success that it aims to achieve in the future. This is the primary reason why management could not passively deal with the issues that concern the employees when dealing with the retail practices. Particularly in Australia, retail businesses are soaring high and are indeed making a great mark in the country’s industrial statistical reports. To support the claims mentioned above, a study on the Australian retailing industry shall be studied in this essay. The system of retailing business is based upon the process of busying and reselling used or new items to final consumers in the market. This procedure is mainly done by major industries that are not able to manufacture their own products. The idea revolves around the possibilities of creating profit from the manufactured products throu gh adding a certain amount called interest from the principal or original amount that the products were sold to the retailers. As the products passes through from retailers to retailers, it could be observed that the amount or the price of the product continuously rise as the money aims to suffice the capital or investment placed by the retailers themselves. Retailers have naturally brought in their products directly to the target buyers to ensure their organizations of the right kind of market influence that they need to penetrate for better market effects.

Strategic HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic HRM - Essay Example HRM is about the competitive advantage to be gained from making the most of an organisation's human resources. But ,it is obvious that there are constraints of availability of suitable people which is heavily dependent on environmental variables like the effects of world and national economic conditions for business growth , the effect of inflation on the perceived value of wages ,traditions of local business culture and a particular nature of national employment markets. These variables have a 'macro' effect on the utilization of human resources. Identifying the relationship between HRM and strategy is simpler in theory than in practise. Organisations may take a variety of approaches towards HR and strategy ,ranging from those which give no consideration whatsoever to human resources to some where HR becomes the driving force. The significant issue in HR strategy is that of integration with overall business strategy. The idea is to emphasize the need for human resource practitioners to achieve an understanding of how business strategies are formed.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Managing Oneself Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Managing Oneself - Assignment Example on to that, the writer goes ahead to highlight one of the main reasons for the recognition of one self, is that it aids in the determination of the goals and the expectations of an individual. This can be described as the technique in which an individual compares the outcome of a particular event, decision for this case, with the expectation of an individual. On that note, analysis feedback simply means the determination of the impact of a particular decision with relation to the individual’s goal. The article clearly dictates that the only way in which an individual can learn about oneself is through the use of the feedback analysis technique. Apparently, through the comparison of the expectation of an individual with the decision made regarding a particular issue, one can be able to know one’s values and virtues. Subsequently, this goes a long way in determining the efficiency of an individual in the particular area of expertise. Evidently, this question can be answered after one has critically evaluated his or her strengths among other issues. On that note, the article goes ahead to give an example of the physicians and the mathematicians. Apparently, these areas are highly technical and therefore they require people who are gifted in the area. Notably, there career paths are usually spelt out during their teenage years. On the other hand, there are some areas in which one must first study in order to establish where they belong for instance in business. The decision to make a difference should be made early enough, in other words during the youthful age since it is at this time that an individual has high productivity and the vigor to carry out the required assignment. First and foremost, the ability of one to accept the other people, in simple terms workmates come in handy in the building of responsible relationships. On that note, this helps to foster good working relationship, which goes a long way to boost the communication. Secondly, there is the

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Introduction to Communication-Creating I Messages-discussion Personal Statement

Introduction to Communication-Creating I Messages-discussion - Personal Statement Example These situations could be the temperament and personal mood at the time of communication (Bishop 4). Non- assertive communication is in most cases defensive and irrational. I remember one scenario when I was in a meeting with my business partner. We had agreed on the standard terms for our ERP implementation to one of our clients. A disagreement arose on what duration the implementation of the project would take. A series of questions kept on propping up from my partner. There was a heated disagreement and the discussion turned out acrimonious. My partner in deed had some valid concerns. Assertive communication in this case would have solved the acrimony. Assertiveness is a skill that needs to be incorporated in day to day communication. When one is tactical in his or her communication, they listen more than they talk. The basis of careful listening is to gain a clear understanding of the other person’s perspective. The result would be a balanced reaction to whatever the issues under discussion. I now have an understanding of assertiveness in communication. It is more productive and it results to tangible

Friday, August 23, 2019

Solving the Medicare Crisis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Solving the Medicare Crisis - Case Study Example It is worth mentioning that the largest portion of the American economy dumps into health care programs for the citizens of the country. Medicare comprises the largest portion of the health care budget of the US. Due to the sensitivity of issues surrounding US Medicare program, this paper will identify the contemporary challenges, discuss the challenges, other specific issues surrounding the crisis within the Medicare of US. Solving the Medicare Crisis With the growing population of aged people in America, Medicare is gaining much popularity due its structure of saving and providing health care to the old age members of the society. The importance bestowed on Medicare cannot be overlooked at the expense of any other crisis that could be facing the scheme. Worthy to note is that Medicare started experiencing circumstantial crisis in the year 2007 at the verge of global financial crisis. Being among the influential sectors of the economy, US government increased its budget margins exte nded to the health care and Medicare in particular. However, the problems and crisis facing Medicare in US are persistent and unresponsive to the government huge budget allocation to support the program and improve general quality of health care in the US. Currently the government has set a Congress panel to analyze the contemporary crisis and make viable decisions. Why Medicare is in a Crisis and Why Radical Reforms are Necessary The American Medicare is in dire situation of liquidation and termination as the number of consumers faces an upward tilt resulted by the predictable growing number of aged people. Eure (2005) reports that crisis facing health care could increase and become worse than in the future years. In order to preserve and ensure sustainability of the program, certain radical measures are essential and of great need in such a situation. How is Medicare funded now? Why do the elderly feel that Medicare is an insurance program, not a welfare program? Is this perceptio n accurate? According to Robinson (2011), Medicare program gets fund in different ways depending on the divisions. Robinson (2011) mentions that Part A of Medicare program that covers in-patient hospital bills is catered for by Hospital insurance Fund (HI Fund). Part A division of Medicare gets finance from the 1.45% government’s deductions made on the pay slips of workers and employers in general. Part B of the Medicare run by Supplemental Medical Insurance (SMI Fund) covers the appointments of doctors. SMI Funds obtains finances from the premiums and the general national budget. Robinson (2011) exemplifies that premiums and taxes channeled into the SMI Funds undergoes yearly adjustments and therefore can never be overdrawn. Robinson (2011) reveals that the Congressional Budget Office through the reflection of the HI Funds usually determines the stability of Medicare. According to Robinson (2011), in spite of the great contribution of taxes and premiums to the Medicare, the vast cost of Medicare gets financial support from the government. The funding of Medicare program is usually sourced from the taxation of individual employees working in the US economy (Emmanuel, 2011). In addition, individual employees organize for payment of monthly premium that is deducted from the salary of the stakeholders. Eure (2005) unveils that in 2004, individual participants in the Medicare program paid a total of $66. 60 per month.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Overseas Chinese and Moon Shadow Essay Example for Free

Overseas Chinese and Moon Shadow Essay Immigrants lives become very difficult when they move to a new country. They are often discriminated against due to their race and/ or nationality. This problem occurs many times throughout Dragonwings, a book by Laurence Yep. In his book, the Chinese characters who immigrate to America face many challenges in their new lives. They are thought of as inferior, have to endure many hardships, and become lonely due to the fact that they must leave the majority of their families in China. In this book, the immigrants face multiple difficulties and challenges in the new world they know as the Land of the Golden Mountain. One challenge that the immigrants face in this story is that they are thought of as inferior by Americans, or demons as they have begun to refer to them. Demons are not accepting of differences; therefore the Chinese are looked down upon, and dont get equal rights and privileges. For example, Moon Shadows grandmother tells him that his father traveled to America to work as a laundryman before he was born. She tells Moon Shadow that gold, in the Land of the Golden Mountain, is everywhere and men can scoop it up by the bucket-full. When he asks why his father does not get enough gold to return home, his grandmother replies, Demons roam the mountain up and down and they beat up any of our men who try to get the gold (6). She mentions that they are allowed to take only a small pinch of it, and only if they do all of the hard, grueling labor that they are told to do. This quote proves that Chinese (Tang) people are belittled. They are forced to work like slaves. Good-paying jobs are very difficult for them to find. They must also be careful when choosing them. Moon Shadow states, There was plenty of money to be made among the demons, but it was also dangerous (1). This states that though there are many job opportunities in America, the lives of Chinese people are sometimes put at risk. This would almost certainly not have been the case if an American were to have the same job. This demonstrates the prejudice which exists against Tang men. The book also mentions that Americans often assume Chinese people are greedy, that they are after Americans money. This fact is proven when Windrider stops to help a man, Mr. Alger, fix his car. After he mends the automobile, Mr. Alger automatically pulls money out of his pocket to tip him. Windrider says modestly, No tip, just happy to look at horseless'(57). Mr. Alger assumes that Windrider only stops to help because he wants money. Moon Shadow goes on to say that the demon stopped and studied Father as you might look at a dog that had suddenly said he was going to the opera (57). This demonstrates Moon Shadows knowledge that white people think Chinese cannot possibly get high-paying jobs due to their lack of skills or importance. These immigrants have to bear much racism and scrutinyand the insecurity that goes with itin their new homeland. Immigrants also have to face and live in many harsh, new conditions. For example, they have to put up with stereotypes and stories about them. This is proven when Moon Shadow is traveling by ship to America to meet his father for the very first time. Moon Shadow is told a story about how the [Tang men] had slept upside-down on top of their heads with knives between their teeth, and so on (11). This shows that the white people are very cruel to the Chinese, even if the story stretches the truth. To make up a story of this violent nature means that it is not far beyond them to do it. Americans also force the Chinese immigrants to live with the constant threat of violence. On one occasion, they go out with the intention of hurting the Chinese, simply for the pleasure of it. Black Dog, a relative of Moon Shadow, states, The demons are all getting drunk and getting ready for beating up Tang men. The word is to stay inside' (29). This further shows that the Chinese must face violence, a new element, in their everyday lives. Last, they must endure harsh conditions when arriving in America for the first time, going through immigration. This is a very long, torturous process. Moon Shadow explains, The demons kept us locked inside a long, two-story warehouse for a week before it was our turn to be questioned (11). This illustrates the fact that life is hardly bearable for them in the Land of the Golden Mountain. Things are very difficult, especially because of the way they are treated. The last and one of the most unbearable elements of all for immigrants is loneliness. Families are separated. Moon Shadows father leaves his wife, mother, and unborn son in China when he goes to live in America. He leaves with the expectation that he will be able to see his family in approximately five years, as most can. Moon Shadow notes, however, though there were longer separations, as with Mother and Father (3). This proves that families can be forced to endure long periods of time without seeing each other. As one might imagine, they become very lonely. Also, they often miss the appearance of the elaborate architecture and color used on buildings in China. San Francisco looks very drab to them in comparison. Moon Shadow thinks, Walking up the street, I nearly lost heart. To me, the wooden houses seemed like shells of wood which terrible monsters had spun about themselves (18). Since he is not used to the box like American homes, they seem quite foreign and even intimidating to him. He misses the familiarity of his home. Moon Shadow also shows signs of loneliness when he says, I did not go to school during the daytime like demon children because the demons would not allow me to go to any of their schools just a few blocks away (50). He does not have any Chinese friends to play with, and he does no get much contact with white children. It is plain to see that Moon Shadow and his relatives face much loneliness in their everyday lives in America. The characters in this book have very difficult lives in their new home, America. They are burdened with many challenges and hardships. Because of this, their lives in America cannot be carefree and happy. Instead they are filled with sorrow, pain, and scrutiny. They must endure the racism and cruel stereotypes that are targeted at them by Americans. They must work extra hard to find and keep good jobs. It becomes evident that their lives so far away from home are barely endurable.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Dance Critique Essay Example for Free

Dance Critique Essay ?On October 20, 2013 a dance performance called â€Å"Crystal Jubilee† took place in the NMSU Center of arts. It was a combination of several types of dances in which we could see the participation of some dance companies, such as Contemporary Dance Theatre, Dancesport Company and Sol y Arena. As a famous Indian Proverb states, â€Å"To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak†. At the beginning of the performance I was so excited as I usually do not attend this kind of events. One of the first dances was â€Å"Blind Trust†, it was a Latin Dance Style most probably to be rumba, two couples performed in this dance, and they were dressed in a combination of blue. The music was â€Å"Track 8† by Police performed by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The lights were in a soft mood perfect for the type of dance they performed. The message behind this dance was trust as the title states, before they started dancing they covered their eyes showing the public the trust they had between each other to follow their steps. The quality of their performance was very good; you could easily tell that they were advanced dancers. The atmosphere of the dance was romantic; it made me feel like they knew each other for a long time I could feel their connection as they were performing. Later two flamenco dances that were performed astonished me. The first one was â€Å"Farruca†. The music was â€Å"Farruca Solo Compas†. Their costume was the typical large flamenco dress, with their appropriate makeup and hairstyle. The lights were perfect, as they started you could see their silhouettes performing and later they appeared. The quality of their performance was very good, sometimes they were not coordinated, but they did it with a lot of confidence and security. The atmosphere of the dance was so intense and the sound as they tapped their shoes against the floor you could feel the energy they were transmitting. In addition there was also the dance called â€Å"La primera vez† and it was also flamenco. The music was â€Å"Fue en Sevilla† by Salamarina. This dance was as good as the previous flamenco one; you could also feel the intensity of the dance, it was like you just wanted to stand up and start dancing like them. Afterwards I think my favorite dance of the performance took place, it was called â€Å"Ode to the Borderlands†. The dance was a combination of several Latin dance styles. The music was â€Å"Arrecotin Arrecotan† by Celia Cruz, â€Å"Cuando Piendo en Ti† by Jose Feliciano, â€Å"Celia y Tito† by Celia Cruz and Tito Puente. The music was full of happiness and joy you could just smile by hearing to the songs. Their costumes were not so formal but enough to look elegant. I think that the message was just to transmit us energy, happiness, enjoy the dance. The performance quality of the dancers was very good; you could easily tell that they were advanced dancers. The atmosphere of the dance was of cheerfulness, joy, contentment, it made me feel so good, I just wanted to learn more and dance like them. One of the last dances was â€Å"Looking Back, Love Song For Mom†. It was a contemporary dance. The music was â€Å"I Know You By Heart† by Diane Scanlon and Eve Nelson, sung by Eva Cassidy. In this dance there was only one performer, the costume was perfect for the message that she wanted to transmit, and the light was good as we just wanted to focus on the dancer. The message was totally clear for the public and it was beautiful, it was a quick view on a mother’s life. The performance quality of the dancer was excellent. The atmosphere of the dance was of tenderness, it made me feel happy and kind of sad at the same time, because it remind me my mother and how she has fought for us all these years .

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ethical And Unethical Acts Of Mcdonalds Commerce Essay

Ethical And Unethical Acts Of Mcdonalds Commerce Essay McDonald is one of the famous and the best fast food company which Is known by everybody in the world and all of the people in the world are familiar with it and the age does not mater form young people to old people also the kids know McDonald when they see the logo that shows that the company works in the proper way in the organization. This shows that all of the members in McDonald have good relationship with each other which is very good and they have to keep on working in this way in order to be the number one fast food all around the world.mcdonald company has some ethical and unethical advertisements which are very important and it will be described in the other paragheraphs that shows how does the entity work and how do they succeed in the business how do they advertise and whey ways do they use in order to rich their goles.mcdonal is a company which has a lot of branches and also a lot of campaigns all over the world and the number of foods that they have is also a lot which shows that they have good corporation and good management and good agreement which is very good for the company. They have all of hamburgers and a lot of chickens which is very good and tasty and many people like it and when they eat it there are happy with it because the price is also good so makes people happy in all of functions. the good thing about mc Donald is comparing to the other fast foods like KFC they have both hamburger and chicken but in KFC they just have chicken which for those people which dont like chicken they can eat hamburger in case of chicken so they have the right to if they dont like hamburger they choose the chicken or the opposite thing which is very good and its made for everybody in the organization. McDonald has a lot of workers and employees in the world which all of them know what they have to do in their job and what are the important t thing that they have to do and how do they have to act in their branches with people all of these people are been trained so that none of the people which they visit McDonald get upset form the acts that the employee does so it a very good decision that McDonald made for its people. 2.0 Ethical Advertisements of McDonald Company McDonald is very organized company which they have a lot advertisement all over the world which all of their advertisement are really good and proper which all the people when they see the advertisement the automatically visit McDonald branches to taste the new sandwich or new facilities that McDonald brought in and McDonald has a lot of advertising in their campaigns which for example they have internet in their branches and also they have coffee which they dont had coffee before they only had sandwiches but now they have breakfast as well so this makes people to take their laptops and visit McDonald and have a breakfast with coffee and enjoy . McDonald its a really nice place and the people enjoy it and also its very friendly place that all of the people when thy enter McDonald they are happy when they see the logo of McDonald which looks like a nice smile in yellow color and the other thing that is good about the McDonald is that ten price are good and the cost of everything that you eat is not a lot and so many people so it does not matter they are rich or poor they can eat McDonald whenever they want this shows that McDonald has a good relationship with all its customers not only poor or only right its designed for all the people in the world which is very good and this makes them successful in their corporation. 3.0 Ethical Advertisement of McDonald Part 2 Another advertisement that McDonald does is in the football stadium that we see the logo of McDonald this shows that they spend a lot amount of number for their advertisement which is very large amount of money and they do a lot of these kind of advertisement in the year which is good and bad the good part is good that to advertise about your company but the bad part is that in case of advertising by this amount of money its better to help people who dont have house to live and they dont have food so McDonald it was better for them to give food to the poor people rather that advertising in this way which is not good and ethical way so they could have give food to tem in order to making them fell that why did we not eat McDonald ever so in case of this it was better to give them try McDonald which was very good thing and it was good for McDonald reputation as well. McDonald also have a lot of logos in different manners which are very interesting and when people look at it they will really like it for example when they had their first branch of coffee shop they had the coffee in the picture which was looking like a hamburger but if you see it properly it looks like a coffee which was very interesting and they had another example like a cow which was on the box that this shows that all of the foods that McDonald has is fresh that they kept the cow there to show that all of our foods are fresh and it was very interesting for the people and people liked the advertising the McDonald made for them to make them happy . 4.0 Ethical Advertisement of McDonald Part 3 Another ethical advertisement that McDonald has is they have very good consternation on the childrens and they have respect for the childrens for example they have happy meal for the children which it has toys in side it and make s the kids happy and it also made them loyal customers of McDonald and its not only because of the food it is also because of the toys which attracts the kids and they always want to east McDonald this shows that McDonald uses good strategies and good ways that how to attract the kids and also the other generation of people and also the middle age of people to come in McDonald and have the food this shows that they are fowling the right way in their business which is very good as we can see it they are really successful in their company because they are always becoming better and becoming bigger that this is very good they say that the smile of the McDonald is becoming bigger that shows that they want to make all the people all over the world happy and it a very good strategic that McDonald is using in the company. 5.0 Unethical Advertisement of McDonald Company Unethical advertisement of McDonald company is that they have a lot of advertisement which cost a lot for example in the stadium and in the billboards and everywhere ere this kind of advertisement is not good because they can save this money and giving it to the people which dont have house to live or spending this money in other was like making schools for the poor people and a lot of examples like these that McDonald has to do in order to make all the people in the world happy if their aim is this toward their business and they have use keep away form these kind of worlds so they dont have problem in the future but the good thing is that McDonald has a good management which they will never have problem but they have to make all the people have its not nice that the people which they dint have money be sad or un happy so they can save this money and giving it to the people which dont have house to live or spending this money in other was like making schools for the poor people and a lot of examples like these that McDonald has to do in order to make all the people in the world happy if their aim is this toward their business and they have use keep away form these kind of worlds so they dont have problem in the future but the good thing is that McDonald has a good management which they will never have problem but they have to make all the people have its not nice that the people which they dint have money be sad or un happy so people and a lot of examples like these that McDonald has to do in order to make all the people in the world happy if their aim is this toward their business and they have use keep away form these kind of worlds so they dont have problem in the future but the good thing is that McDonald has a good management which they will never have problem but they have to make all the people have its not nice that the people which they dint have money be sad or un happy and fell good. . . McDonald has to give them free food in order to make them happy so everybody in the world feels happy about McDonald which is very good. The other thing which was not good about the McDonald was that they before had hamburgers which was made by worms which was not good so in the countries which they have Islam in their religious they cannot eat these king of food so they came up with the new hamburger and the kept a hall name in side of it so to tell the Muslim people this food is hall to eat is which was a good decision they McDonald made for the people. 6.0 Comparing McDonald with its Competitors McDonald haves a lot of competitors which they also have fast foods in the world but the good thing about the McDonald is that they have made and image in peoples mind that all of the people in the world like McDonald and they like to eat McDonald which is very good and the McDonald competitors are really strong and good competitors which they also have good and a lot of costumes but there are not as the famous that McDonald is because form small to big people everybody knows McDonald but the other fast foods company maybe ton all of the people knee them as they know McDonald this shows that the strategy and the etches that they use was very good and this shows that they were following the ethical ways in their business which is very good and now they have accomplish the goal that they wanted and now they have their costumers all over the world which is very good and the other companies also have their costumers but not like McDonald and then other issue that is McDonald dont have delivery that this shows that the already have a lot of customers that they dont need to have delivery but the other competitors they have delivery . McDonald had a plan that they dont have delivery their plan was that they dont have it because people come in to McDonald branches and enjoy their eating there and just come out of the house and feel happy which was very good that they made people come out from their house and visit the branched s and eat their food there which was very good planning by the management of McDonald that made its customers happy and enjoy eating food in their restaurant. 7.0 McDonald Ethical Strategies McDonald company has a lot of strategies in their business which that med them to become on elf the best fast food restaurants in the world and they use strategies and ethics like they have use the standards and also they try all the facts and the fictions in the company and what are the peoples choice of food whey king of food do people like when they enter a resonant these all the question that McDonald has answer to it order to see what people like in the restaurant and base on that they made their hamburgers and the meals that they have n their restrains and the coffee and jukes that they have kept there in the resonance that shows that McDonald cars a lot about people which is very good and they knew now what people like that is the reason that the made the marabou for the people company has a lot of strategies in their business which that med them to become on elf the best fast food restaurants in the world and they use strategies and ethics like they have use the standards and also they try all the facts and the fictions in the company and what are the peoples choice of food whey king of food do people like when they enter a resonant these all the question that McDonald has answer to it order to see what people like in the restaurant and base on that they made their hamburgers and the meals that they have n their restrains and the coffee and jukes that they have kept there in the resonance that shows t which live in Arab countries which was a good decision that the found out to make a sandwich that can fit into Arab cultures which was very good and then the maid they made the Mc Arabia for the Arab people and many people except the Arab also like it these shows that they have good activity of working and this shows that they not only make food and serve food they plan also for the future that what foods to bring in the future for the people and also for the charity they also have plans that they tell people to help people and also they have draw in the world cup of football and also the had a pizza cuff which also was mad for the Indian which they like spicy food so this shows that they have very good relationship with the people and the look after that what people exactly like in the food so that they can make the foods like the kind which people like it and all of these to show that there is very good and proper management in the McDonald and it will be very good also of their reputation in the future their reputation is already good but it will become better and better as it goes in then front so McDonald has to continue this way in order to be the best in the world. 8.0 McDonald Analysis McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and its very good way that know how the foods are being made that McDonald is using it and also the McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see ho w the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers. The company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and its very good way that know how the foods are being made that McDonald is using it and also the McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers. 9.0 McDonald Unethical Strategies There are some Unethical strategies which the company use to attract the customers like having bad advertisements and the company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and its very good way that know how the foods are being made that McDonald is using it and also the McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers. McDonald company also sees everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers. McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and its very good way that know how the foods are being made that McDonald is using it and also the McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers that how to they make the foods that people what are they eating which was very good and to tell people to be sure that what are they eating and to see how the foods are making and also McDonald company also analysis everything in the restaurants that they kept a new role that show the kitchens to the customers. 10. Conclusion in conclusion McDonald has to continue the way that it is going now and it is the right way and they have to use the ethical way in order to be the fist and the best fast food restaurants in the world and they dont have to use unethical way in their business so they will have problem and they have get away from these kind of decision which are not good and the best thing to follow the ethical way in the business which can help the company to be in the right way in the business that they have and they have to make everything better so that they cans improve in their world and the have to have more branches in fitter by palming good and the workers also have to work properly and in the proper way that they dont have problem and all of these has to work to with each other to be successful in the business and the corporation and the reputation of the company.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Romeo and Juliet Essay -- Literary Analysis, Shakespeare

In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and Yukio Mishima’s The Sound of Waves, the secondary characters play an essential role in the book. In Romeo and Juliet by an English playwright and poet William Shakespeare, Friar Lawrence is an important secondary character who designs solutions for Romeo and Juliet and brings the play into the dramatic results. The failure of his plan causes the tragedy of death for both main characters at the end of the story. In The Sound of Waves, Shinji Kubo, a young and poor fisherman in Uta-Jima falls in love with Hatuse, a rich man’s daughter. Shinji and Hatsue try to be together throughout the book, but encounter many difficulties with their neighbors. Shinji’s mother tries to help Shinji and Hatsue by asking many people and going to shrines to beg the gods for help to get them together. In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence greatly influences the Romeo and Juliet and brings the plots to the dramatic results. Without the presence of Friar Lawrence, the story will not be so unpredictable and the tragedy may not have occurred. Initially when Romeo comes to Friar Lawrence and asks for wedding, Friar suspects Romeo’s quick changes, but is reluctant to help Romeo for this marriage. Since Romeo sincerely asks for his help, Friar finally agrees to Romeo’s plan and he says â€Å"In one respect I'll thy assistant be; / For this alliance may so happy prove, / To turn your households' rancour to pure love† (2.3.98-99). In Friar’s viewpoint, this marriage should be a benefit for the city of Vernoa. Friar hopes that with this marriage, it will calm the two feuding families down and allow them to get together again. This action seems to be incorrect for Friar, because he is trying to solve a larger ... ...luable in their ancient tradition. In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence believes that people should learn the lessons from mistakes that they have previously made. In the final resolution, the fate still restates his statement, by having the two main characters killed. Because they have learned their lessons from their many years of disagreement, the hate between Montague and Capulet has been finally resolved through this tragic event. On the other hand, in The Sound of Waves, Shinji’s mom is crucial from the beginning of the story to the final resolution. She tries her best to bring a happy marriage to her son even she does not have one for herself. She is insulted by Hutsue’s dad but the kindness of Hutsue wins her heart again. Through a series of tragic events, Terukichi Miyata, Hutesu’s Dad, agrees the marriage of Shinji and Hutsue as the final decision.

the old man and the sea Essay -- essays research papers

The Old Man and the Sea   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the timeless novel The Old Man and the Sea, the hero is undoubtedly the old man, Santiago, whom us as readers become very acquainted with. Santiago is a hard-worker and perseveres through every problem nature brings to him. He is in the midst of a horrendous fishing drought, during which the townspeople laugh and ridicule him. Santiago just lets the criticism pass him by because he is confident that the fish of his lifetime is coming soon. In a sense, Santiago represents the ideas of honor and pride. He is also a hero to a young boy named Manolin who conveys the image that the old man is whom he would rather live and spend time with rather than his biological father.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Santiago has many noteworthy character traits. He possesses a very strong sense of pride that will not allow him to give up on fishing even after eighty-four days without a single fish. He is also virtuous in that no matter what happens to him, he will not make up excuses or false accounts in an attempt to cover up his bad luck. He is also very unselfish for the reason that he never looks down on the boy or treats him unfairly. Everything they accomplish together, Manolin is given credit for, which I found unusual because more often than not, old men will try to hoard their achievements to try and hold on to their glory days. Instead, Santiago is trying to...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mother and Daughter Similarities in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club Essay

Mother and Daughter Similarities in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club â€Å"Here is how I came to love my mother.   How I saw her my own true nature.   What was beneath my skin.   Inside my bones.† (Tan 40)   Ã‚  Ã‚   The complexitities of any mother-daughter relationship go much deeper then just their physical features that resemble one another.   In Amy Tan’s novel The Joy Luck Club, the stories of eight Chinese women are told.   Together this group of women forms four sets of mother and daughter pairs. The trials and triumphs, similarities and differences, of each relationship with their daughter are described, exposing the inner makings of four perfectly matched pairs.   Three generations of the Hsu family illustrate how both characteristics and values get passed on through generations, even with the obstacles of different cultures and language.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The Joy Luck Club was formed while the four mothers were in Builica   during the time of war.   â€Å"Each week we could forget past wrongs done to us.   We weren’t allowed to think a bad thought.   We feasted, we laughed, we played games, lost and won, and we told the best stories.   And each week, we could hope to be lucky.   That hope was our only joy.   And that’s how we came to call our little parties Joy Luck.† (Tan 12)   These small gatherings consisted only of the same four women, one for each corner of the mah jong table.   While bombs were going off outside, these women would keep their happiness alive with this blissful get together once a week.   Later, when these women moved with their husbands to America, they naturally continued the tradition.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Each mother had high expectations for their lives as they came towards America, and especially their daughter’s lives.   â€Å"In America I will have... ...bowen/314fall/novels/lit.html)   Each in their own way has learned a lot from their mothers and can see over the gap that divides them.   In the Hsu family especially there is a strong sense of loyalty that is based on through each generation. â€Å"You must peel off your skin, and that of your mother, and her mother before her.   Until there is nothing.   No scar, no skin, no flesh.†Ã‚   (Tan41)   It is most important in Chinese culture to remember who you are and where you came from. Work Cited * Tan, Amy.   The Joy Luck Club. New York. Ivy Books. 1989. * Tavernise, Peter.   â€Å"Fasting of the Heart: Mother-Tradition and Sacred Systems in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club.† 23 March 2000. * Amanda Matthews.   â€Å"Structural Analysis†¦Thanks to Amanda Matthews† 1995.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Electronic Communication Essay

The effect of electronic communication on everyday publication has increased the impact of mass communication, the change from verbally talking face to face and receiving and sending important things quicker. Some of the earliest forms of communication devices included runners and pigeons. With these communication devices, a message could take weeks before reaching its destination. Thanks to technology, all you have to do these days is send an email and your message will reach its destination within minutes. Email, social networking websites, instant messaging, cell phones and blogs are a few examples of communication devices that have been made possible by technology. Communication utilizing technology is referred to as â€Å"mediated communication.† Talking on a cell phone, sending an email and watching television all require a technological element to deliver the message. â€Å"Technology is constantly offering new methods for communication; therefore the amount of mediate d communication in our lives is expanding. The term â€Å"mass communication† refers to any message that is shared with a large audience.† (Lane). The message may be limited to a specific time or accessible over a large time period. Frequently, mass communication requires the use of some form of technology, especially for enduring messages. However, mediated communication is not always mass communication. Talking on a cell phone or sending a personal email does not involve providing a large number of people with a message. Receiving a mass email, watching the news or visiting an Internet site are all examples of mediated communication that is also mass communication. This has resulted in the emergence of the term â€Å"mediated mass communication.† Media convergence plays an important role in the evolution of mass communication. Media convergence occurs when established forms of communication technology merge to create new technologies offering new methods of com munication. The advent of the Internet allowed newspapers and magazines to merge with computer technology to increase the frequency and ease of reporting information to readers. E-readers, such as Amazon’s Kindle, combine the medium of books with both electronic display technology and cell phone-based Internet technology to offer convenient new methods of reading. As forms of media converge, previously unavailable methods for communication emerge, changing the way we send and receive messages. Every day we are exposed to numerous sources of mass communication. Television, billboards, Internet advertisements and various other sources of mediated mass communication pervade our lives daily. Due to this level of immersion, many communication scholars have studied the potential effects of media consumption on the lives of viewers. Two areas of affect emerged through these studies: cultures and individuals. George Gerbner’s Cultivation theory states that extensive exposure to television programming leads to cultures believing in increased violence and crime. Going further into cultural studies, critical media theorists believe that mass communication messages reinforce repressive ideas of power over those exposed to them. Theories regarding individual exposure to media tend to address the role viewers play in the message exchange. Uses and Gratifications theory maintains that we, as media consumers, have a choice over the media we consume and, therefore, exert power over what mass communication exists. Agenda Setting theory places more power over the media provider, suggesting that those providing the media message can determine what is considered important in our lives. Frequent examples of mediated mass communication in our lives, as well as theories that suggest the powerful effect they have on our lives, require us to be more discerning consumers of mediated mass communication. Considering the message, the technology being used to communicate it, the sources of the message and ourselves as the audience are all critical to successfully receiving mediated mass communication messages while minimizing the potential for harmful effects on our lives. Technology will continue to move forward, and with it so will the methods we have for communicating. The onset of social networking technologies ushered in another era of communication in our lives, not only increasing the ways that we can communicate with each other, but increasing the opportunities we have for receiving mass communication messages. As technology evolves, our society will continue to develop new ways to convey messages to each other. Taking time to consider the effects of technology on our ability to communicate, and the potential influences those methods will have on our lives, is crucial as we move forward.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Abnormal Psychology Essay

Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. Abnormal behavior is disruptive in classes unable to control tempers and loud. Abnormal Phycology is when someone’s thoughts are causing them discomfort and they act on it. This will then allow someone to be diagnosed mentally Ill. Normal Psychology: See more: Satirical elements in the adventure of Huckleberry Finn essay Normal psychology is the study of the human behavior and the mind. It is stereotype in way that judge’s criteria are normal or abnormal. Normal psychology is a common way to diagnose behavior by the ability to be Maladaptive. Two aspects make this flexible and common. Maladaptive to one’s self is the inability to reach goals, and to adapt to the everyday demands of life. Also there is Maladaptive to society, the interference in social functioning.(Spoor 1999) Being in either of these categories someone would be diagnosed mentally ill. Comparison of Normal and Abnormal Psychology: Normal Psychology and abnormal psychology works together because they both are decisions made that people chose to react to. In a normal setting someone can be sitting and reading a book quietly. Then another person comes along and makes loud distracting noises that the person either chooses to adhere to or ignore. Abnormal psychology has worked out more problems that were associated with normal psychology. Therapies and treatments are advanced, illnesses and disorders are common and frequent, and studies are in depth. The root of normal psychology has attached itself to abnormal psychology. The study of how a person feels, thinks, interprets, and behaves is the root of both of these psychological paths and they are intertwined. Abnormal Psychology Essay Jeffrey Dahmer was a sex offender and serial killer mainly between the years 1978 and 1991. He is well known for his severely atypical behaviors. Among his outward manners that are recognized as abnormal are paraphilia-specifically necrophilia and sexual sadism. Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims, whom were boys and men, suffered from rape, violence, dismemberment and finally their murders. Dahmer’s slow progression of killings soon turned into an obsession, which would later land him in prison with a sentence for fifteen life terms or a total of 957 years in prison. Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born to Joyce and Lionel Dahmer in Wisconsin, and eight years later moved with his family to Ohio. In his younger years, between the ages of ten and fifteen, Jeffrey became more and more antisocial; he was very quiet and socially distant from his family members and had signs of anhedonia (loss of interest in hobbies and interactions with people). Discovered later, this behavior may have been caused by peers at school consistently mocking Jeffrey without him putting up any defense for himself. See more:  The 3 Types of Satire Essay His fetishes and discoveries of unique hobbies began in a biology class in 9th grade where Jeffrey and his classmates dissected a fetal pig. At the end of the class, Jeffrey collected the remains of the pig and returned to the house, deciding to keep its skeleton. Dahmer’s fascination with this initial incident began to grow and carry over to other animals, such as dogs and cats. In an interview with Stone Phillips Dahmer says, â€Å"There may have been some violence involved, some underlying subconscious feelings of violence†¦ I just†¦ it was a compulsion, it became a compulsion. As this continued throughout his teenage years, Jeffrey Dahmer began to consume alcohol regularly. In the same interview he admits, â€Å"I was drinking a lot during that time and just, I don’t know, looking for some way to find some fulfillment, some pleasure and I acted on my fantasies and that’s where everything went wrong. † Soon, his alcoholism, too, got out of hand and he became an alcoholic while still finishing high school. Jeffrey Dahmer attempted to attend college at Ohio State University, but his lost of interest in attending classes combined with his heavy consumption of alcohol caused him to drop out after only a quarter of a semester. During this time, his parents, Joyce and Lionel got divorced. Jeffrey’s father made him join the Army after dropping out of Ohio State, but after a couple years, his alcohol problem again caused him to be removed. After being discharged from the Army, Dahmer decided against facing his father so he decided to live in Miami, Florida where the majority of his time was spent in a hospital. In 1981 Jeffrey Dahmer was first arrested for public intoxication. In 1982, Jeffrey went back to Wisconsin to live with his grandmother. Late nights, alcohol binges, and belligerent behavior characterized his time living there. His grandmother was tolerant of his peculiar behavior at first, which included several strange incidences: she had found a male mannequin dressed up in Jeffrey’s closet, a . 357 Magnum under his bed, and she could recall many instances where awful smells would waft from the basement. Dahmer once claimed that the terrible smell was from a squirrel that he had caught, killed, and dissolved with chemicals. (Dahmer’s father was chemist, and this claim was made from Jeffery to his father; it seems as though Jeffery told his father so that he would be proud of him). Jeffrey was arrested again in 1982 and in 1986, both times for indecent exposure. The second offense that he was arrested for in 1986 was for masturbation in front of two young males. It was only two years later that Jeffrey’s so-far-tolerant grandmother told him that he could not live with her anymore due to the many strange happenings. Jeffrey was arrested in the same year, 1988, for sexually fondling and drugging a young teenage boy (age thirteen); for this, he was put on probation for five years and for one year he was assigned to a work release camp where he was registered as a sex offender from the incident with the thirteen year old boy. Due to good behavior and a built up trust with the authorities, Dahmer was paroled from his work release camp two months early. Jeffrey Dahmer began killing at age eighteen, which was during the summer of 1978. Since this was after his parent’s divorce, Dahmer’s mother no longer lived at the same house and his father was away for business duties. Jeffrey had brought a man over to the house offering to drink alcohol with him, and when the man tried to leave, Jeffrey beat him to death with a ten-pound weight to the head. Dahmer did not murder again until nine years later where he killed a man randomly after picking him up; Dahmer said he could not recollect anything about this murder. After the second murder, Jeffrey Dahmer’s killings increased dramatically adding two more to the same year (1989), five the following year (1990), and several after that. On July 22, 1991 Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested for the alleged 17 murders (which would later be reduced to 15). Psychological Functioning: Jeffrey Dahmer is a unique human being who struggled with necrophilia, which is having sexual attraction to corpses. Upon arrest, officers found many severed heads, dismembered body parts, an altar made of skeletons, and several corpses. This makes Dahmer seem like a collector in a way, but I think that his collections go beyond what people might consider a just a fetish. Often, those who are diagnosed with necrophilia behave in this was because they strongly desire to have full possession of and control over someone without the person resisting or refraining from being with them. I think this is a lot of what Jeffrey Dahmer dealt with in his life because he confesses it himself in his interview with Stone Phillips saying, â€Å"The only motive that there ever was- was to completely control a person, a person that I found physically attractive and keep them with me as long as possible, even if that meant just keeping a part of them. † Another reason for necrophilia could be a person’s desire for increased self-esteem; being attracted to a corpse was the only way Jeffrey could avoid rejection. As we know that Jeffrey was teased and picked on when he was young and during his teenage years, I think that his murders and necrophilia are related to these difficult times in his life. I think that once he established that he could have control over his victims, he went on a power trip and began to obsess over the supremacy he felt when he was controlling someone. It is reported that during the times that Dahmer was picked on and mocked in school, he never stood up for himself and never fought back. I think this led to an internalization of his feelings. He most likely built up some hostility to those people who tormented him and took advantage of him. Jeffrey Dahmer also began his attraction to males in his teenage years as he reports going to gay bars and bath clubs. The combination of his withheld anger and aggression towards his tormentors and the frustration that came from being attracted to men could have very well led to his outward aggression and finally to his killing spree. When Jeffrey talks about the things that he would do to victims, especially evident in his first crime, his pattern began to develop and it is in direct correlation to these things: he would seek out men (doing whatever it took to draw their attention), he would get them alone one way or another (either by bring them to the house or drugging them), and after having sex with them or taking advantage of them in whatever way he found pleasurable he would kill them. While he found it enjoyable to partake in sexual encounters while them men ere still alive, Jeffrey Dahmer found himself even more attracted to the corpses of those men and he found it fascinating to dismember them and keep just â€Å"a part of them. † I believe that this is where his necrophilia came from. In Jeffrey’s first murder we can see the power struggle where he desired to have sex with the man who wanted to leave. Through his sexual desires, Dahmer channeled his anger that he was being rejected and he lashed out and beat the man to death in the head with a ten-pound dumbbell. This extreme behavior is what leads me to believe that he showed signs of sadism. A sexual sadist finds pleasure in inflicting physical pain on someone and watching him or her suffer. I also can see that maybe Dahmer was frustrated with his sexual desires toward men and he felt his only way to stop this was to destroy the root of the problem; unfortunately, Jeffrey saw the men he was attracted to as his problem and in his desire to eliminate his problem he began killing the men who made him feel this way. In some ways, I am also convinced that Jeffrey Dahmer was competent and could take full responsibility of the killings because of his strategic behavior. His victims and murders were not random. Dahmer was also able to recognize that he was not completely satisfied in his initial encounters with the male species and when those things were no longer enough for him, he started purchasing sleeping pills in order to first drug his victims so that he could then take advantage of them. If Jeffrey Dahmer was not sane and competent than this organized behavior would not be evident in his tendencies. In the interview with Stone Phillips, Dahmer says, â€Å"After the second time, it seemed like the compulsion to do it was too strong and I didn’t even try to stop it after that; but before the second time, things had been building up gradually: going to bookstores, going to the bars- the gay bars, bath clubs; when that wasn’t enough, buying sleeping pills using it on various guys in the bath clubs. It just escaladed slowly but surely and after the second time which was not planned, it was out of control—it felt like it was out of control. The way that he uses his words here implies that he does take responsibility and that he fully knew what he was doing; as he says, â€Å"it was out of control—it felt like it was out of control,† he recognizes that he had the ability to make a choice and he chose to sexually victimize the men he was attracted to and then kill them. I am convinced that all of the things mentioned above lend themselves to his atypical functioning, but one thing that was not addressed was his parent’s role in all of this. Although they were divorced and parted during a time in Jeffrey’s life where he was having difficulties in other areas, I do not think that this was an issue or trigger to any of his behaviors. In an interview Jeffrey actually defends his parents saying that it makes him mad when people accuse them of playing any role in his decisions because they were not even aware of the type of issues Jeffrey was dealing with. From what Dahmer admits, we know that it was a gradual escalation of compulsive feelings that led to his abnormal behaviors. On November 28, 1994 while in prison, Jeffrey was beaten by an inmate and died from head trauma. Abnormal Psychology Essay As many know Psychology is the study of the human mind, consciousness, and behavior. Psychology is also an enormous field of study and contains many sub divisions that pertain to more specific areas of the human psyche. One of these subdivisions is the study of Abnormal Psychology. Abnormal psychology focuses studies on an atypical region of any particular society, as to find out why these abnormalities occur. These conditions can vary in how abnormal they are from barely noticeable to extremes that require special needs. Examples of these could be a mild case of depression (not as noticeable) to a severe case of Schizophrenia (extremely noticeable). Various examples will be addressed and explained but first, in order to fully understand the process of abnormal psychology one must know the difference between normal and abnormal. (Mcleod) As individuals one decides what one likes or dislikes, but not what â€Å"normal† society is to like or dislike. Defining what normal is can be harder than one may think. See more: Is the Importance of being earnest a satirical play essay Researchers have worked for years to clearly define normal with no luck in getting a precise definition to relate human behavior to. Normal psychology is defined by the time, place, and people involved, thus making it difficult because culture changes with evolution and values. In order for one to define abnormal psychology, an individual must first define normal psychology. Understanding that normal psychology is outlining what are acceptable actions helps one understand abnormal psychology is dependent on the situation for a definition. Abnormal psychology is best defined as a deviation from what a group decides is acceptable or unacceptable. Psychologist use synonyms for abnormal, such as unusual or maladaptive, to define characteristic traits on a scale with normal in the middle and barriers on each side of normal to compensate for the recurring abnormal behavior, any behavior past those barriers is considered extremely opposite of the norm and rare. There are few true experiments done on abnormal psychology because it is not ethical to manipulate an experiment to control certain conditions. Determining if something or someone is presenting normal or abnormal behavior depends on the object or the person. There are a few mental disorders and illnesses that better compare and contrast aspects of abnormal psychology to normal psychology; a somewhat common disorder is Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar Disorder, many wonder about what this illness is. This disorder was once described as manic depressive disorder; symptoms of this disorder include but are not limited to periods of deep depression which may alternate with mania. Mania is described as a unique state of mind in which a person may feel invincible or that anything in the world is possible for them to accomplish (Abell & Ey, July). Individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder can go long periods of time without sleep or have the polar opposite and have extreme amounts of energy. There are approximately 1-2% of adults in the world diagnosed with bipolar disorder; while scientists do not yet know what causes the chemical changes in the brain they do know that this disorder does have a genetic component. Some scientists believe that bipolar disorder is linked with network connectivity in the brain, it has been shown with neuroscience that neurocognitive abnormalities, particularly in executive function tasks which link to the frontal cortex. However studies have shown that there are no major losses of grey matter in the cortex but there are several changes in the white matter (Ferrier, April). Another fairly common disorder amongst abnormal psychology is Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a genetic condition which causes delays in physical and intellectual development. It has been studied and found to occur once in every 691 births. A person who has Down syndrome has an extra chromosome so instead of having 46 they have 47 chromosomes. Down syndrome is usually detected at birth or very shortly after, it is a disorder that can also be detected by genetic testing while the child is in utero. This disorder is confirmed by a chromosome study called a karyotype. A karyotype provides a visual study of the chromosomes grouped by their size, number and shape they are studied by examining blood and tissue cells. Scientists believe the cause of Down syndrome is that there is an error in the cell division this is called nondisjunction. Psychologists and scientists alike do not know why this occurs but it is known that this phenomenon occurs at conception and there is nothing the mother could have done during pregnancy to avoid such from happening (National Association for Down Syndrome, 2012). These two disorders are caused by actual chemical and genetic differences in the brain where as the next two examples are illnesses that are linked to more subtle differences that are much less noticeable at first glance. Schizophrenia is a mental illness that makes it hard to tell what is real and what is not. People with this illness hear voices in their heads and often times think people are plotting to harm them in some way. For this reason, they will seem agitated or will tend to separate themselves from society. About one percent of Americans suffer from this mental illness. People with this illness do not make sense when they talk and can sit for hours without moving. Family’s that have loved ones with this illness are largely affected by this, because people with schizophrenia often times have difficulty maintaining a job and become very dependent on close relatives. Dyslexia is a reading disability that happens when the brain does not process or recognize certain symbols. People that suffer from dyslexia have a brain that takes longer to make connections and does it in more steps. Often times people with dyslexia have trouble matching the letters with the sounds and combination the letters make. When these individuals struggle with this step, it makes the remaining process of steps for the brain even more difficult. A majority of people with dyslexia are really intelligent and can often times retain a lot of information but reading poses a real challenge for them. Dyslexia is actually very common today but is still widely considered a mental illness because of the brains connectivity issues. These four examples show that abnormal psychology not only focuses the rare or uncommon disorders but includes even many of the vast common illnesses of today. Each of the disorders and illnesses listed have several approaches for healing and therapy, this is because of the different views and thought processes from each of the schools of thought give several alternatives. Each school of psychology has a different theory of how the mind works and where mental disorders originate. Thusly, each school has its own way of addressing psychological problems. The most common schools of thought used in therapy are: psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, cognitive, humanistic and biological (Mote, 2013). In psychodynamic theory, it is believed that mental disorders originate from tension between your conscious and unconscious mind. This is usually caused by some kind of trauma, physical or emotional, from childhood. Psychoanalysis, a lengthy form of therapy that attempts to bring awareness to the unconscious elements of a person’s mind, is the preferred form of treatment in the psychodynamic school (Mote, 2013). Cognitive-behavioral theory focuses, â€Å"on the person’s life as it is now – the current and conscious thought patterns and behaviors† (Mote, 2013). Basically, this school of thought focuses on what we are going through now and how that is affecting our mental health rather than trying to find a reason from the past. Therapy from this school focuses on how to change behaviors and will usually give â€Å"homework† to do before the next session (Mote, 2013). The theory behind cognitive therapy is that problematic thinking patterns, called cognitive distortions, are the stimulus for psychological disorders (Mote, 2013). These are considered to be automatic thoughts rather than unconscious like in previous schools. Therapy in this school consists of identifying and altering the cognitive distortions in order to bring a resolution to the disorder (Mote, 2013). Humanistic therapy focuses on the individual and their defining qualities, what makes them special and unique. Therapists of this school try to make their clients aware of their emotions, values, and motivations to bring about change to their psyche (Mote, 2013). One of the most important parts of therapy in this school is the relationship between the therapist and their client. The goal is, â€Å"establishing and maintaining a sense of acceptance and respect for the client† (Mote, 2013), this is considered a hallmark of the school and is one of the most valuable techniques a therapist can use. Biological theory believes that mental disorders are caused by the brains pathology, essentially saying that the brain itself is flawed and causing the problems (Mote, 2013). The most common therapy for this is the use of medications, called pharmacotherapy; only a physician can prescribe these medications. Most of the medications focus on neural transmitter points and work to either increase or decrease the amount of activity in these sites (Mote, 2013). Even though each school of psychology approaches mental disorders differently, each method of therapy is affective against psychological issues. Every school may not be best for everyone though; finding a therapy that works for the individuals needs is key. In conclusion abnormal psychology is yet a small branch of the vast tree that is â€Å"psychology†, yet still provides extremely important studies which help ociety define that what is â€Å"normal†. Abnormal Psychology will always be a changing field as is normal psychology; it is defined by what society sees as abnormal and normal. A recent example of this could be homosexuality vs. drunk driving, the two as seen in societies eyes have switched from being accepted and unaccepted in the last 60 years. Whichever way society progresses will help better define what truly abnormal behavior is, and with the several schools of thought at its disposal hopefully society can continue helping those in need. Abnormal Psychology Essay The authors of this study were Sarra Hayes, Colette Hirsche, and Andrew Mathews. It was published in the August 2008 issue of the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. These researchers administered a questionnaire to measure the degree one worries to several students at staff at King’s College London in the United Kingdom. Among these participants, 32 people were selected for the study. This group was divided between those who worried often (high worriers) and those who rarely fretted (low worriers). The groups were then given a key pressing task in which they had to hit any key as soon as they heard a beep. These participants were also asked to fill out a thought rating scale to find out what kinds of positive thoughts they were having during the task. Finally, the groups were also given a filler task to reduce any carryover effect a previous trial of the key pressing task may have had. The researchers concluded that those who worried the most were more distracted from even the simplest task of hitting a random key when one hears a beep. Positive thoughts, however, did not seem to be as distracting. In the end, the researchers found that working memory is negatively affected by worrying. See more:  Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay This study struggled with a major weakness of an exceptionally small sample size, but it remains valuable because it surveyed a nonclinical sample. The participants represented a sample of people who worried, but did not demonstrate levels of anxiety that disturbed their everyday functioning. While I do not believe any of the participants in this study were harmed or endangered, I would not have wanted to participate in this research. I do not enjoy tedious tasks and I am quick to identify the role of filler activities in a study. The key pressing task seems relatively boring and I prefer research that has a more direct and positive impact in the lives of others. Since I think that the findings do contribute to our understanding of how humans are able to balance worrying with their other cognitive tasks, I do see the value in this study. I would be interested to hear how the researchers might propose preventing worrying or helping those chronic worriers utilize their memories more effectively. Works Cited Hayes, Sarra, Hirsch, Colette, and Mathews, Andrew. â€Å"Restriction of Working Memory Capacity During Worry. † Journal of Abnormal Psychology August 2008: 712-717.